Allow ssh access to a Fedora 10 machine (VM)

I have been setting up several Virtual Machine’s lately , to test deployment in various linux environments. I must say I have been frustrated with the way linux handles shared libraries. The DLL hell that many people complain about on Windows machines is nothing compared to the interdependencies of shared libraries! (Statically linking everything was not an option, as I was unable to successfully statically compile Python + wxWidgets + wxPython + Numpy)

Once a Fedora 10 VM has been set up, I need to do the following:

  • system-config-firewall   Turn off the firewall
  • chkconfig –list sshd   Confirm whether sshd is running or not
  • Assuming it isnt running in modes 3 & 5,
    • chkconfig sshd on
    • service sshd start

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